Advisory Board

Getting an advisory board is part the Beyond Beta program, where you will get access to Denmark’s top-tier module-based startup program. All modules include access to the core Beyond Beta online tools.

Part of

Why an Advisory Board?​

Why should your business have an advisory borad?

The DLTA Advisory Board Concept​

How is our Advisory board concept?


Why an Advisory Board?

In a startup business, there are lots of decisions to be made every day. As founder and entrepreneur, you have the full or the final responsibility, and you can use an Advisory Board to get advice to important decisions. 

The expertise you ask for can have many facets and mixes: daily operations, business model, financing, branding, sales, digital technologies, production, personnel management, internationalization, etc.

Since your Advisory Board represents several different professional fields, it also brings new knowledge to the table that you probably would not have considered yourself. This helps to strengthen your business in areas where there might otherwise be gaps and can help you avoid many pitfalls.

Be aware that an Advisory Board is not a formal Board and does not have any legal responsibility. As startup team you can take or discard their advice.

Advisory boards exist primarily to add value to the business. This means ideally, they should be staffed to complement the abilities of your startup team.  Before seeking out potential candidates, you should do a quick SWOT analysis to understand your company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces. 

The concept

The Advisory Board Concept

DLTA helps to accelerate the search for potential advisory board candidates from the DigitalLead ecosystem of high-caliber business executives, university professors and tech experts who would make ideal advisory board members.

The DLTA team helps to find and match 3 (three) Advisory Board members based on the needs that you as Startup have defined. You are welcome to supplement with candidates from your own network.

All potential Advisory Board candidates are pre-screened by DLTA team with a main topic: a sincere desire to help you to accelerate.

A mutual agreement is established to meet 3 times in 2 hours with approx. 2 months apart ie. over a period of 4-5 months.

It is the responsibility of the Startup-team to send a meeting request and prepare the material for the Advisory Board to discuss.

The first meeting is set in close dialogue with the DLTA team, which also provides sparring on the agenda. This will typically contain

  • Brief introduction to each other
  • Alignment of Expectations
  • Presentation of your business and your primary challenges and ambitions

(Meeting material is sent out in advance)

  • The first input from the Advisory Board, including the determination of future tasks
  • Data recording of the two subsequent meetings.

If both parties wish, bilateral contact can be agreed between the meetings.

At the last meeting, time is set aside for evaluation of the entire process, where both parties provide feedback.

The Advisory Board activity is free for you as startup. Advisory Board members participate voluntarily and unpaid.